Re: Unconstitutional constitution

2014.03.02. 23:09 zaekyt

Kim Lane Scheppele wrote a sensational piece in New York Times about the new Hungarian, the unconstitutional constitution. Sounds absurd, doesn't it. Weird, right? Facepalm. But it is actually very true. It is unconstitutional, because it does not guarantee checks on political power and does not ensure the rights of citizens.

She goes on and on about it, it's a terribly long story about very boring stuff, such as law. Don't worry about it, just click the link anyway, TLDR immediately and scroll to the photo. Now you see how it was possible. Those are the ladies and gentlemen. It was them. But you still have no idea, why. And you should care. You should care a lot, because it can happen to you. It can happen to your country as well, if you don't care enough. I mean Hungary - whatever you may think - also used to be an almost proper country, at least for the last 20 years or so. Shit happens. So please, follow me to find out the why.

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